Issue #2 – Common Colds and Influenza

the artemis brief

Welcome to Issue #2 of The Artemis Brief brought to you by Artemis International. We are Specialists in Berryceuticals™ for the food, beverage, and dietary supplement industries. Artemis International is the number one supplier of Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra from Europe) ingredients for the US market.

Common Colds and Influenza: A Five Part Series.

In our 5-part “Common Colds and Influenza” Series, we will be discussing topics concerning these infectious winter diseases: how they develop, how they spread, how you can protect yourself against them, which natural remedies exist and much more. The first in our series asks the question, “Why does Influenza like winter?”. Influenza viruses survive longer and can travel further in the air in colder, less humid environments, hence during winter.

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