Lemon Balm Extract & Powder

Melissa offocinalis

Artemis offers high quality wholesale lemon balm powder, a botanical best known for supporting digestive health. It has been shown to help with calming and relaxation.


Lemon balm is a perennial herb from the mint family (Lamiaceae) with a distinct lemon scent and flavor. It has been used for centuries both medicinally and as a culinary herb.


  • supports healthy digestion
  • promotes calming and relaxation
  • may offer cognitive enhancing effects
  • provides antioxidant and antimicrobial benefits
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Lemon Balm Dry Leaf Extract Powder 4:1

Lemon Balm Extract Powder 4:1 is produced via water extraction process, dried and milled to a fine, dark yellow to yellow-brown powder, typical of lemon balm leaf extract.

Lemon Balm Leaf Powder

Pure lemon balm leaf powder, steam sterilized and milled to 40 mesh. Our carrier-free lemon balm powder is yellow-green in color with a grassy aroma and bitter flavor typical of lemon balm.

Lemon Balm Dry Leaf Extract Powder 4:1

Lemon Balm Extract Powder 4:1 is produced via water extraction process, dried and milled to a fine, dark yellow to yellow-brown powder, typical of lemon balm leaf extract.

Lemon Balm Leaf Powder

Pure lemon balm leaf powder, steam sterilized and milled to 40 mesh. Our carrier-free lemon balm powder is yellow-green in color with a grassy aroma and bitter flavor typical of lemon balm.

Lemon Balm Dry Leaf Extract Powder 4:1

Lemon Balm Extract Powder 4:1 is produced via water extraction process, dried and milled to a fine, dark yellow to yellow-brown powder, typical of lemon balm leaf extract.

Lemon Balm Leaf Powder

Pure lemon balm leaf powder, steam sterilized and milled to 40 mesh. Our carrier-free lemon balm powder is yellow-green in color with a grassy aroma and bitter flavor typical of lemon balm.

Our Quality Promise

To provide trustworthy ingredients that deliver on every front - quality, transparency, traceability, and sustainability.

To provide ingredients that embody quality, transparency, trustworthiness, traceability, and sustainability.

As an industry leader focusing on identity authentication, standardized potency, and responsible sourcing, we take the guesswork out of finding the highest-quality ingredients.