New Study: CurrantCraft® European Black Currant Extract Can Help Vision Fatigue

    New Study: CurrantCraft® European Black Currant Extract Can Help Vision Fatigue

    April 7, 2022

    From remote work and school to social media, gaming and esports, day-to-day life leans more and more heavily on computers, tablets and smartphones. As screen time has risen steadily in our connected culture, digital eye fatigue has become increasingly bothersome.

    Exciting data from a new study reinforces the clinical vision benefits of CurrantCraft® European Black Currant Extract. Experts at the Franklin Health Research Center (Franklin, TN) conducted an independent investigation into the effects of Artemis International CurrantCraft® ingredient on symptoms of digital eye fatigue.

    A quick look at the 2021 study:

    • Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (Hawkins, pending publication)
    • Participants: 61 adult females who worked or studied 6 hours or more per day in front of a screen, split into intervention and placebo groups
    • Intervention group participants consumed two capsules of standardized black currant extract each day for ten weeks (totaling 445 mg per day), while placebo group consumed two identical, yet inert placebo capsules each day, also for ten weeks.
    • On day 70, a detailed questionnaire was used to assess symptoms of digital eye fatigue including blurred vision, dry eye, and eye strain.
    • Trial participants in the intervention group saw statistically significant results, a 29.9% reduction in symptoms of blurry vision.
    • Overall, the results showed that black currant supplementation fostered remarkable improvement in digital eye fatigue. Findings could drive a larger future study to identify additional potential benefits at statistically significant levels.

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